Wednesday, January 21, 2015

6 nutrition tips for men’s health

Eat more nuts: These are high in monounsaturated fats, which are actually good for you. Nuts like walnuts and almonds are also high in fiber and antioxidants, the latter of which can improve your skin’s appearance.

Eat more vegetables: Fries don’t count and neither does the occasional head of broccoli. Rule of thumb: eat a rainbow of colors each day. Broccoli, carrots and corn are packed with skin-friendly antioxidants. Shoot for at least 3 servings of veggies a day.

Increase your omega-3 intake: Fish like salmon and tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids, which benefit your heart and brain. They’re also a good source of muscle-building protein. Not a fan of fish? Consider taking a men’s omega-3 supplement.

Eat less sugars and simple carbs: Unfortunately, sugars and simple carbohydrates are everywhere in the average American’s diet, and that’s why 1 in 3 Americans may develop diabetes. Cut down on bread, rice, crackers and sweets.
Eat more fiber: Regular consumption of fiber keeps you, well, regular. Fiber also fills you up, so that you’re less likely to overeat or feel hungry throughout the day. Fiber can also help fight cholesterol and because it takes longer to digest, it burns more calories in the process. Stick to 100% whole-wheat bread and grains, as well as brown rice and oatmeal.

Take a men’s multivitamin: No diet will get you all of the nutrients your body needs. That’s why a men’s multivitamin is essential to your nutrition plan. A men’s multivitamin like Daily Men’s Multivitamin provides an effective combination of vitamins, minerals and trace elements for your body.


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